Discover : story of mercy

Personal Relationship

Personal Relationship

Personal Relationship

God so loves everyone in the world that He invites everyone into a close abiding relationship with Himself in salvation.

This relationship began for Eric back in high school while reading the Gospels.  His life has never been the same since.

Musical Expression

Personal Relationship

Personal Relationship

Eric has always found music to be a way to celebrate, express and process  things.

The work of Steven Curtis Chapman has been a strong influence in Eric's life, along with many other artists.

Real Life Trouble

Personal Relationship

Real Life Trouble

When we put truly heavy things into God's hands we experience His carrying strength.

Much of Eric's music celebrates the Lord's love and carrying strength.


Goodness & Mercy

Real Life Trouble

People sometimes say his music reminds them of Michael Card. Others say he must like lots of music from the 70's (smile). 

His lyrics are transparent, engaging, inviting reflection.  With singable melodies, his tracks are sometimes simple and raw ... think 'garage band Indie artist' rather than polished studio mastering.


Goodness & Mercy

Goodness & Mercy

Use music to celebrate the Lord and encourage others to rely on Him.  Sometimes a song helps us express things, and to consider important things with the Lord, finding strength and newness of life from that relationship with Him

Goodness & Mercy

Goodness & Mercy

Goodness & Mercy

"Surely, goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever."  

Psalm 23:6

"The LORD is good to all, and His mercies are over all His works."  

Psalm 145:9